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To provide an interdenominational forum for pastors and ministers in Spokane and surrounding communities to engage in fellowship, mutual support, teaching, training, and Christian service.  To develop lasting relationships, and serve as a resource for pastors and ministers to enhance their ministry as they fulfill their vision.  To build racial and gender unity among Christian ministers across the body of Christ by facilitating multi-denominational communication, providing life-giving fellowship and encouraging kingdom cooperation among its members.

“Dwelling Together in Unity”
We the members of Spokane Ministers’ Fellowship agree with one another for unity and restoration of relationships among ministers of the Gospel across racial and gender boundaries. We want to fulfill our destiny as a fellowship, as each member fulfills his/her purpose by carrying out their assigned mission for the Kingdom of GOD. We want to be on one accord, speaking in like manner so there is no division among us.  By the Spirit of GOD, we are perfectly joined together – fitly framed members of the Body of CHRIST. With regard to ministry throughout our city and surrounding communities, we want to operate in ways which demonstrate a “Spirit of Excellence” for the glory of GOD. Realizing the Spirit of GOD is with us, we will go out and make a difference because we are co-laborers, with God and is motivated by HIS love to reach out to people, businesses, and learning institutions in our city and surrounding communities.Our mission is to reach pastors (iron sharpening iron) from all walks of life; providing empowerment, fellowship, training, and practical support for them and their ministries.
“Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friends” Proverbs 27:17There are several ways that we are looking to achieve our vision:
I. Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together …

Fellowship: Opportunities to experience “Koinonia” fellowship with each other, in the form of monthly fellowship meetings/business meetings, fellowship sponsored services/events and supporting pastors during their anniversary/appreciation services.  We hope to be able to institute conference calls, Leadership Summit Conference, retreat’s in the future. 
II. But exhorting one another…
Encouragement: Opportunities to connect, receive strength, and encouragement from each other.  And let us not be weary in well doing:  for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not (Gal 6:9).  If you are constantly giving or pouring into other lives, over a period of time, this may cause one to become weary and face loneliness: making it all the more imperative.
Advice: Opportunities to seek godly counsel by utilizing the fellowship elected officers and advisors.  For where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety (Proverbs 11:14).  Candidates for the advisory board must have served in ministry for a definite period, and have proven themselves to be men of honesty, integrity, and endowed with great wisdom and the Spirit of God, not to mention time spent in prayer and fasting before giving any advice.   
Education:  Opportunities to empower through continual training and education in areas such as church administration, accounting, computer skills, leadership development and kingdom expansion.  We want to eventually create training for up and coming ministers to enhance them as they go forth in ministry.
Support: Opportunities to use your specific gift and expertise or solicit support of others in various gifts and expertise to assist in ministry.  There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit.  There are different kinds of services, but the same Lord.  There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men.  The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body (1 Cor 12:4-6, 12)

Spokane Ministers’ Fellowship
“Dwelling together in Unity”
PO Box 4936 Spokane WA 99223

Title (circle one):   Bishop      Pastor         Minister    Elder      Reverend     Overseer       Dr.

First Name: ________________________________MI______ Last Name__________________________

Home Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

City________________________________________ State __________________Zip_________________

Home # ___________________________________________________

Cell # _____________________________________________________

Email Address ______________________________________________

Your Birthday: ________________________   Your Wedding Anniversary: ___________________________

Church Information

Church Name: __________________________________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________________
(Physical address and mailing address if different)


Church Phone # _________________________________________________

Email Address _____________________________________________

CHURCH ANNIVERSARY:______________________ PASTORAL ANNIVERSARY__________________

1.   Church scheduled services:  (Dates/times):

2.  Any information you want others to know about your church:

3.  Website address: _________________________________